How to fit your Capella Lever correctly and keep it in Pristine Condition.
To maximise your enjoyment of our Levers, and for the guarantee to provide cover :- All Levers must be fitted according to the fitting instructions. Lever must be cared for according to the Care Instructions. Levers must be installed according to the relevant category of use specified by DIN EN 1906 Classification.
Fitting Instructions
Suitable for door thicknesses of 40-50mm
1. Decide on left opening or right opening (see below).
2. Install escutcheons and handles as per drawing.
Note; Leave screws slightly loose.
3. Adjust position, to make sure the handles turn smoothly.
Cleaning Instructions
Always use a Soft cloth. If necessary, you can humidify the soft cloth. If absolutely necessary on rare occasions you can use a PH neutral soap on a soft cloth but immediately after application, you should remove any soap with the help of a moist soft cloth.
Under no circumstances should a hard tool (brush or wire metallic cloth), or an abrasive or acidic substance be used on the door handles.
Special Warning on Corrosive Air
Please be aware that environments where there are high concentrations of chemicals in the air, for example emanating from low quality paint or corrosive agents, corrosion and damage may occur to the surface of the door lever. Door Levers should not be fitted into such environments until the high concentrations of chemicals in the air have subsided.